Renting at
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Thanks for your interest in renting our building. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the information below where you will find our policies and procedures and rental rates.
Please note that we are not a licensed facility. No alcohol can be served.
Before inquiring about your event, please check out the calendar below for availability.
This is only a guide; actual availability may vary from what is displayed on this public calendar. Our staff will work to accommodate your needs as best as possible.
Rental Procedures & Policies
General Principles
Rental agreements are made subject to availability. Bookings are final only after the Facility Use Coordinator (Lisa) or Booking Clerk (Linda) have confirmed over the phone or through an email with the individual responsible for booking the space. In cases requiring additional consultation, the Selkirk Community Church (SCC) Leadership Team shall serve as arbiters.
Approval to use our facilities does not constitute or imply endorsement of any group, their mission, or their positions. Groups must not advertise events in such a way as to imply endorsement by the congregation. No activities or advocacy may take place within our
buildings or grounds that conflicts with the bylaws and the practices of the congregation or the Mennonite Brethren denomination.
SCC reserves the right to refuse rental to groups or individuals whose events are deemed to conflict with our purposes or are antithetical to our Statement of Faith, in the opinion of the Facility Use Committee.
General Policies
1. Stationary furnishings in the church are not to be moved without permission. Furnishings that are moved must be returned to their original position.
2. Decoration adhesives such as thumb tacks, pins, tape, nails, etc. are not to be used on surfaces that could be damaged.
3. The use of alcohol, marijuana or prohibitive substances is not permitted on church property. Smoking is permitted outside, in the designated area.
4. Children must be supervised at all times throughout the building.
5. Renters are responsible for any table and chair setup and for general clean up after the event, under the supervision of a church staff member.
6. All damage to equipment or property needs to be reported to the facility use coordinator immediately. Renter will be responsible for cost of repair or replacement of damaged equipment or property. Damage deposit will not be returned.
7. For fire/safety reasons, room occupancy may not exceed the stated number by the City
of Selkirk.
8. We ask that you store personal items neatly within the facility. The church is not responsible for theft or damage to personal property.
Policies for Sanctuary and Kitchen Usage
1. Use of the sound system involves a $50 surcharge to the sanctuary rental charge and an operator will be provided by the church for necessary services. Sound equipment should not be moved, altered or adjusted without permission or supervision by church
2. Clean up of the kitchen is the responsibility of the person(s) renting the facility. All items should be returned to their original location.
3. The Kitchen Clean Up Checklist must be followed and completed. Failure to do so will result in a cleaning fee of $100.
4. Groups wishing to make coffee or serve food will be asked to book the kitchen facility at the regular booking rate.
Policies for Gym Usage
1. Only non-marking footwear is to be worn in the gym and during sports activities.
2. Sports equipment may only be used in the gym/mezzanine and not in other parts of the building.
3. Groups and individuals desiring to use the gym are required to schedule the gym in advance to ensure availability. Bookings are not final until all paperwork and a deposit has been received by the Facility Use Committee.
4. The gym floor should be dry mopped after each use.
Rental Rates
Gym rentals are available with the option to rent Full Court, or Half Court.
Full Court, $40/hour, $60/hour if food/drinks/tables/chairs involved.
Half Court, $30/hour
$35/hour, $50 surcharge for audio/visual
Mezzanine Pickleball Court
$12/hour, Ball Thrower $20/hour
Multi-purpose Room/Foyer
$25/hour, $25 surcharge for audio/video
Conference Room
Damage/Cleaning Deposit:
A cheque deposit of $100 may be collected for rentals. After the event, if there is no willful damage and if the facility has been cleaned to its original state, the deposit cheque will not be processed.
Surcharge for Large Groups:
There is a $50 surcharge for 100-199 people, $100 surcharge for 200-299, etc.
Financial Arrangements
1. Checking for availability of space on preferred date(s) is the first step and the responsibility of the persons seeking use of the facilities. Availability can be checked on our calendar page, or by calling the bookings contact, Linda Pauls at 204-482-6808.
2. Payment of a $100 deposit, or the amount of the booking fee (whichever is less) is required at the time of booking. Payment is due one week prior to the date of the event.
3. We accept e-transfers as a form of advanced payment. E-transfers can be emailed to Please include in the notes/message of the e-transfer the who, what and when of the rental.
Cancellation Policy
For full refund, cancel booking at least 1 week prior to the date of the event taking place. Please be sure to provide us with the email address where you would like us to e-transfer the refund to.
Renters agree to hold Selkirk Community Church, the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, and the Manitoba Mennonite Brethren Church harmless against all liability claims arising out of the actions, or lack of actions of the rental group or SCC. Note that church activities have priority over other recreational activities at all times. The Facility Use Committee reserves the right to cancel bookings when advance notice can be given.