I have decided to follow JESUS!
If you've been thinking about getting baptized, but still have some questions, you've come to the right place! Below you'll find some helpful information about baptism and the process of getting started.
It would be our joy and privilege to walk alongside you as you take this important step!
When you get baptized, you are making public your decision to accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour. This is not only an exciting part of your own spiritual journey, but also a testimony to others of your desire to follow Jesus.
Before you are baptized, we will arrange to have you meet one on one with one of our pastors. They will help you understand what it all means and to help you prepare to share your personal testimony (how did you come to faith in Jesus and what led to this point in wanting to be baptized). We will schedule a time to meet again at the church to pre-record your story. This will be shared with the congregation on the morning of your baptism. As we get closer to that Sunday, we usually meet a week before with all the baptism candidates to walk through exactly what happens. You'll get to see our portable tank, we will show you how to get in and out of the tank, and we'll show you where you can get changed after. We ask everyone who is being baptized to wear dark bottoms (shorts or pants) and we provide a t-shirt just like the one in the picture above.