At Selkirk Community Church
we are all about JESUS.
We believe He has called us to follow Him
in obedience and to do life in the way
He instructed us to.
We want to be a church that is always being
challenged and encouraged to:
GROW in Christ
SERVE others in a spirit of humility and grace
share the LOVE of God through the message of the Gospel.

Our services on Sunday mornings last about 60-70 minutes. A bulletin is provided that includes information about some of the things going on at SCC. Coffee and baked goods will be available before the service in the lobby at 10am. Discovery Time Kids (K-6th grade) programming is available during the message part of the service. Your kids will have a blast! Visit our Discovery Time Kids page for more info.
Selkirk Community Church belongs to the Mennonite Brethren Churches of Manitoba. MBCM exists to equip, resource and inspire congregations to reach their full ministry potential in following Jesus. To learn more go to mbcm.ca.

We were all created for meaningful connection.
Go ahead and connect!
Coming Up Next at SCC
- Multiple DatesMar 09, 2025, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.Second Sunday of each month. Starting back up in January
- Jan 26, 2025, 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.This series is intended to highlight God's call to humanity and the individual. We will explore three areas: Called Out, Called Together and Called Into.
More regularly thoroughout the week
- Fri, Feb 28
- Ladies Morning Bible StudyEvery Monday at 9:30am (resumes in January)
- Every Thursday night at 7pm
- Gospel Music NightThe 3rd Friday of the month
- Wednesdays at 7:30pm
If you would like more information about any of our events or regular activities, please contact us below.